about eurocare

Who we are

Eurocare is an alliance of non-governmental and public health organisations with member organisations across European countries advocating the prevention and reduction of alcohol related harm in Europe.

Member organisations are involved in advocacy and research, as well as in the provision of information and training on alcohol issues and the service for people whose lives are affected by alcohol problems.

The mission of Eurocare is to promote policies to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm. Our message with regard to alcohol consumption is "less is better".

Eurocare is not affiliated to and does not receive any funding from the alcohol industry or any of its social aspect organisations.

Eurocare is registered in the European Transparency Register under number: 01546986656-22

Eurocare is a member of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA). Eurocare participates in the European Commission's Health Policy Forum as well as DG AGRI Civil Society Dialogue group on Wine and DG TRADE Civil Society Dialogue meetings.

Vision, mission, core values and target groups


EUROCARE’s vision is a world free from alcohol related harm


EUROCARE’s mission is to advance policies to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in European policy decisions on alcohol by:
• Working with policy makers to ensure that alcohol related harm receives adequate political attention at EU level
• Promoting the best information and policy research at International, EU and national levels
• Strengthening cooperation amongst civil society organisations through advocacy campaigns, better communication of our actions and capacity-building regarding all EU policies relevant to alcohol policies


Integrity: We conduct our work ethically, in a way that is, transparent, based on scientific and policy evidence, and accountability.
Independence: We are not affiliated, and we do not receive any funding from the alcohol industry or any of its social aspect organisations.
Community: We recognise that the alcohol related harm is driven by a global industry requiring a coordinated global response
Less is better: We will not shy from communicating the truth: there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
Inclusiveness: We welcome all organisations which fulfil the membership criteria set out in our statutes, into its membership.


•  European policy makers and institutions that can enact and shape European and national alcohol policies. This target group includes the European Commission, the 27 Members States (permanent representations at EU level and capital), Norway and the UK, and the European Parliament as well as the WHO Europe and HQ.
•  Eurocare Members
•  AWARH partners, EPHA, CDCA members
• Organisations involved on policies related to the commercial determinant of health

Related documents

What we do

Eurocare has a Secretariat in Brussels, which acts as the central contact point for member organisations as well as other bodies concerned with alcohol related issues, including national and international press.

OVERARCHING GOAL (2022 – 2025):

To prevent cancer, non communicable diseases (NCDs), social harm and mental health harm by promoting the best available evidence on alcohol policy.


• SO1:
Support the Beating Cancer Plan by promoting the best evidence-based alcohol policies and research at EU and international level, with a special focus on the right to information
• SO2:
Raise awareness about alcohol related harm at European and national level with a special focus on policy makers
• SO3:
Organise, participate in and promote public health and alcohol policy conferences
• SO4:
Mobilise and strengthen the capacity of Eurocare members and its Partners to complement, support and add value to SO1,SO2 and SO3


Our members

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