cares alcohol-and-health alcohol-awareness-week-in-germany-alcohol-less-is-better-from-18-to-26-may-2019

Alcohol Awareness Week in Germany “Alcohol? Less is better!” from 18 to 26 May 2019

This year, the focus is on “Alcohol – not at the workplace!”. Especially companies are called to campaign for alcohol prevention.

It is aimed for encouraging everybody who drinks alcohol – about 90 percent of the German adult population – to reflect on their drinking habits and to raise the awareness of the risks of alcohol consumption.

The central message is according to the WHO: “Alcohol? Less is better!” On local level, events are organized. Thousands of professional employees of the addiction aid, volunteers of the self-help or occupational health experts give new impulses for discussions, information and awareness raising in several different settings, like pedestrian zones, hospitals, workplaces, doctor´s office, pharmacies, churches to name a few. It is the aim to raise awareness in personal contact with the population.

The German Centre for Addiction Issues (DHS), carries out this prevention campaign. The DHS supports the local organizers and provides the website, several brochures, posters and other materials for their events ( Professionals and volunteers are free in shaping their own actions. In 2017, about 1.230 activities all over Germany were organized. It is expected to exceed this number of events.

Partners and financial supporters are the German statutory pensions insurance scheme, the health insurance company BARMER, DHS member organizations and many networks at regional level. Marlene Mortler, member of the Bundestag (MdB) and Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, is patron of the Alcohol Awareness Week.

For further information see

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