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French MPs under a disguise of sport promotion weaken alcohol law?

In early August, 72 French MPs have proposed a bill so as to weaken the Evin Law – which strongly limits advertising for alcoholic beverages – by reintroducing alcohol selling in stadiums.

Pretending to support the sport sector, these MPs are the spokesmen for the alcohol lobby which year after year unravels the major French public health law.

In a press release, the National Association for Prevention in Alcoology and Addictology (ANPAA) reminded the MPs that promoting alcohol in sports competition will lead to the trivialization of general consumption above all for young people. That’s why the Evin Law prohibits sports sponsorship. By prohibiting alcohol in stadiums, the Evin Law also prevents violence and hooliganism directly linked to consumption.

ANPAA had already warned on the offensives against the Evin Law in sports because the real issue for the alcohol lobby is to reintroduce sports sponsorship before the Rugby World Cup in 2023 and the Olympic Games in 2024.

After the reactions of ANPAA and the French Federation for Addictology (FFA) and the media pressure (more than 100 articles released between 7 and 12 of August), the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn has confirmed on the 21 of August on a French radio that she was strongly opposed to the MPs’ proposal.

It is hope of public health community that French state will not give-in to the demands of the alcohol lobby and put health before profits.

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