cares price-and-taxation the-journey-to-minimum-unit-price

The journey to Minimum Unit Price

Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation in Sctoland took effect from 1st May 2018.

Eurocare together with SHAAP and its partners have supported the measure from the very begining. The five-year-long legal battle for its implementation in Scotland finally having been settled on 15th November 2017 by the definitive ruling of the UK Supreme Court. This date will go down as one ofthe most important events in the history of alcohol policy. Scotland is leading the world in this important area of public health policy and to celebrate this achievement, we look in this issue at the story of MUP, its supporters, the evidence and the alcohol industry’s role; and ask what next for this element of Scotland’s alcohol strategy.

SHAAP together with Eurocare prepared a briefing on the issue and steps that were taken by both organisations to facilitate this public health success.

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