events archive
The Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network’s launch event Friday 9th October.
In May of 2020, together with the Alcohol Forum, we launched our ‘Deliver Change on Drink Deliveries’ campaign calling on Government to bring forward legislation to close a number of legal loopholes and allow for greater regulation of and clarity on a number of issues including point of sale, age verification and hours of both sale and delivery.
This Friday we’d love if you could join us by zoom for a launch of 2 campaign resources; a campaign postcard and a new video. The event will take place on October 9th from 2-3 and will take no longer than an hour. Join us to hear more about the campaign and to see our new resources which will be shared following the event. Please share the invitation through your Task Force networks and to local community action on alcohol groups. To book, send me an email and I will forward you a zoom link.
The Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network (ICAAN) was formed in early 2017 to support & promote evidence informed community action on alcohol in Ireland, supporting communities to bring about transformational change for individuals and families.
We’ve developed a campaign video to make the aims of the campaign accessible to the public and also are launching our second anniversary of the Public Health Alcohol Act postcard on the day (which will be send to all 160 elected representatives in both houses of the Irish Government).
Please join us for this event, its 2pm this Friday (Irish time, GMT).